Creating Snow and Ice _ Mountain Hardwear Concept Shoot
Before (left) and After (right) of Concept Photoshoot of the Mountain Hardware Lamina Torch Z Sleeping Bag.
The other week I did a concept shoot where I wanted to highlight the Mountain Hardwear Lamina Torch Z sleeping bag. I wanted my subject standing in the bag in the middle of cold and harsh conditions to show that he was remaining warm. In the end I got the shot I wanted, but not by going to cold conditions. We actually did the shoot in studio and he was being roasted alive in that bag and the fan was doing him no good. Between every few shots he had to unzip just to get some air and not die of heat-exhaustion.
I did some initial special effect makeup to make his face, beard, and hair look like it had snow and frost in it. I could have bought expensive makeup effect spray, but I did it myself using shaving cream, hair paste, sugar granules, and Aloe Vera gel. Then in post-production I placed him in a winter wonderland.
I created a video for my Youtube channel so that you can also see the screencast time-lapse of me editing it in Photoshop. Enjoy and please subscribe to my Youtube channel while you're at it.